


$100.000 USD


$30.000 USD


Most companies have doubts about the optimal price of their products, they question whether they are leaving profitability on the table or if, on the contrary, they are stopping selling because they have a price higher than what the market is willing to pay.
96% of the companies in Latin America are MSMEs, that cannot access consultancies as big companies do, and 50% of them close after 2 years of operation due to low profitability. The price is the lever of profitability, and these companies need help to define the price in a simple way that quickly generates profitable results.


Prisier online offers MSMEs owners in any business sector, a self-management platform that helps them to define their optimal price to guarantee the best profitability for their business. Our platform operates under a simulation model of perceived value and comparison with the competition, that allows the user to simulate different price scenarios by combining the different value attributes of their product or service.
Prisier Online is the only platform in Spanish designed and tested for small businesses in Latin America.


Price is the lever of profitability and is one of the reasons why thousands of MSMEs in Latam close every day, without having the opportunity to evaluate the options they may have to improve the financial situation of their businesses..
Prisier Online helps MSMEs in Latam to define their optimal price through a platform with a simple 5-step methodology that impacts profitability and ensures the sustainability of these companies over time.


Prisier Online is the platform that helps any company find the optimal price for its products or services.


In Latam there are 20 million MSMEs.
Prisier Online seeks to accompany 1 million companies (5%) in the next 5 years and help them increase their profitability based on a correct pricing methodology. With an average price of $29 USD, we expect to close in 5 years with a turnover of almost USD $30 million.
Offering customers the option to periodically update their prices based on market changes or changes in customer preferences and value attributes.